A Member of The Copenhagen Group


The DGOJ urges the Operators to collaborate for the integrity of the Sports Betting on the occasion of the World Cup in Russia

DatabaseBasketball.com The DGOJ has issued a statement calling the cooperation of the Operators in relation to the integrity of the Sports Betting and the upcoming celebration of the 2018 Football World Cup Russia. The Spanish regulator emphasizes the importance of that the entire Sector cooperates to effectively combat both the handling of competitions and the fraud in the Bets. The DGOJ wants to emphasize that to effectively combat the manipulation of sports competitions and fraud in betting it is necessary the joint action and collaboration of the different sectors involved. Specifically, the DGOJ has asked the Online Gaming Operators to “maximize supervision and vigilance over the activity of the betting markets”. If you observe anomalies of interest, ask them to let you know, through the Global Investigation Service of the Betting Market (SIGMA). He also recalled that the Copenhagen Group, which involved authorities related to sports or betting integrity, and of which he is a part, “has decided to reinforce the surveillance of the championship events, as well as improve communication and the exchange of information among its members. ”

The DGOJ calls for the collaboration of gaming operators about the integrity of sports betting and the forthcoming celebration of the 2018 World Cup in Russia.

The Directorate General for the Regulation of Gambling (DOGJ), together with the National Police, forms part of the “Copenhagen Group” constituted in July 2016 at the initiative of the Secretariat of the Council of Europe Convention to combat the manipulation of sports competitions. This Group, which involves authorities related to sports or betting integrity, functions as a network for the exchange of information, experiences and best practices to support the implementation of the standards established in the Convention, especially the creation of National Platforms.

On the occasion of the upcoming celebration of the 2018 FIFA World Cup in Russia, the Copenhagen Group has decided to strengthen the surveillance of the events of the championship, as well as improve communication and exchange of information among its members.

The DGOJ wants to emphasize that to effectively combat the manipulation of sports competitions and fraud in betting it is necessary the joint action and collaboration of the different sectors involved. Consequently, the DGOJ has transferred to the online gambling operators the request to maximize the supervision and vigilance on the activity of the betting markets, including the FIFA 2018 events and bets related to them and that, if applicable, be sent , through the Global Investigation Service of the Betting Market (SIGMA), any circumstance that they consider of interest related to the integrity of the sport.

Since the launch of the SIGMA platform in April 2017, a total of 45 alerts have been handled for irregular or suspicious bets coming mainly from gaming operators. This instrument of communication between gaming operators and the regulator of the state sports betting market is providing great value both for the detection and for the investigation of alleged cases of match-fixing. For all these reasons, the DGOJ has begun work aimed at improving current mechanisms, increasing their agility and deepening their collaborative nature, to facilitate the exchange of information among the participants.

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